I’ve had The Mat (5mm) for two years. I bought it after thorough research, deciding it was the best yoga mat on the market at my price point. I love it, it’s so grippy, comfortable, and cute. The issue is that not only my hands stick to it, but everything around me as well. Dust particles, frizz from clothing, hair, eyelashes, dead skin, you name it. If it’s floating in the air, The Mat will catch it and not let go. Wiping it off after every practice is another 10-minute workout I have to account for. Is anyone else experiencing this? How do I make it only sticky to my hands and not to everything else?

  • red_aenflexB
    11 months ago

    I have the 5mm one, too. I use it with the smooth side up. It takes me 3 minutes to wipe it down after yoga class. I’m not noticing anything sticking to it, really. I mean there’s stuff on it after I’m done, but I do yoga barefoot, so I assume it’s skin cells. And it easily wipes away with towel and sanitizer spray?
