I have three pairs of fast & free 25” leggings, two black that I purchased full price and one blue pair (can’t recall exact color name) off Poshmark or Mercari. They’re all size 4 and fit roughly the same. My one black pair is getting worn out and I’m looking to replace but wondering how the old compare to the new size-wise. I recently just had to get an 8 in wunder trains so I’m anticipating needing to size up. I probably need an 8 in these too but I’m just curious if anyone else similar size has gotten a pair recently and what they got or if anyone has a new pair and also a pair that’s quite older and can offer insight to how the new compare. I am 5’4” and about 140. Attaching pics of the size dots of my older ones in case that might help. Thanks in advance anyone who’s able to give insight, no worries if not!!
Original post id: t3_1ih7h4j: on reddit by /u/blainejy