I’ve become increasingly disappointed and frustrated with lululemon & their clear shift from producing products to be inclusive of all body types to now catering towards smaller sizes.

How can lulu say they strive for inclusion for all yet consistently release pieces only in smaller and smaller sizes?

The new drop doesn’t even fit a size 12 🤯 and the average dress size in both Canada and the US is between a 14-18

not very inclusive if you ask me.

Image 1: direct from their website stating inclusion for all Image 2: new drop from today showing the size range Image 3: the size chart for the BeCalm wide leg pant Image 4: size chart from aligns to compare to the size chart for the BeCalm pants.

Obviously this isn’t bashing anyone who wears the sizes that they continue to produce, it’s about the shift from including larger sizes and pushing the inclusion for all agenda. Heck they are rooted as a fitness brand and everyone deserves to have clothes no matter where they are on their fitness journey.