Colour: pink flush. You can see the cups through it a little, but the cups are needed for bigger boobs, probably not needed for smaller.
Size: this is a size 6. I have 32DDD (natural). I am 5’2”, 125-130lbs. I am very surprised at how well this works for bigger boobs! Of course, I am spilling out a bit on top (the side with no strap), but this is waaay better than align tops. This would work better for smaller boobs though.
Fabric: very soft, I really like it! I love the ribbed!! It also isn’t stretchy-stretchy so I feel like this will hold shape for a while (I wash delicate, hang to dry). Hasn’t altered shape yet.
Workout: obviouslyyy for big boobs you’re going to want to stick to lower impact workouts, but I respect what I can get from this bra. It’s cute, it’s for aesthetic, and I love it for this reason! I do occasionally pull up the one side, but it’s not terrible!
Not bad… does give uni-boob I think only because of how big my boobs are. But I am happy with this - I own this in black as well! Not many “cute” bras work for me! Happy buy!
Original post id: t3_1iobqo3: on reddit by /u/Beachsunshine23