I just bought the down for it all men’s jacket in Size M yesterday for myself and i did try on the women’s one but it really was tight around my stomach area and chest and I like a loose fit to put a shirt on underneath but I can’t help but like feel like I just don’t look like the models wearing the women’s down for it all jacket and so I went for the men’s and It’s comfier, has a double zipper! I started looking at the men’s clothes and some of the stuff looks comfier so does anyone else by stuff from the men’s? Like I hate a tight fitting shirt around my chest / armpits (love a loose baggy tee) but all the women’s ones seem to be tighter (minus all yours tee, I know that).

  • red_tri_kitty
    1 year ago

    tri_kitty commented:

    My body changed a lot due to hormonal changes. Women in mid to late 40s can all relate. I’ve had a hard time adjusting to my new body and this trend of long line bras as shirts ain’t it for me. I need to feel comfortable so I can train like the athlete I know I am without yanking sleeves down and worrying about covering my tummy.


    • red_unapologeticallytrue
      1 year ago

      unapologeticallytrue commented:

      Ya I mean my dad just said “well u know what to do to get that hour glass shape” and I’m like I phsycially don’t know if I can get that. Like I’m not obese but I don’t have gorgeous long legs and arms. I have a long torso. And so I want to be able to lift my arms up like I would in volleyball and not worry abt ppl looking at my stomach I’m working on it !!


      • red_tri_kitty
        1 year ago

        tri_kitty commented:

        I bet you’re close to perfect the way you are. We are our own harshest critics. Love your body and what it does for you and wear clothes that don’t distract you from living your best life. ❤️


        • red_unapologeticallytrue
          1 year ago

          unapologeticallytrue commented:

          Ya like I’ve gained weight since grad school and I rlly don’t have a lot of time to myself I’m taking care of my dad who has cancer and my parents are both 75 and so I do a lot of work around the house and in terms of managing apts and stuff but then ofc we don’t get good news abt my dads health and I find it so hard to even try and keep my atttitude positive. I’ve always had body issues cuz my parents liked how I looked when I was thin so they always tell me to just go back to that weight but like it’s not that easy? And my weight fluctuates too it’s just hard I don’t even bother going in store anymore i just order online and return in store


          • red_tri_kitty
            1 year ago

            tri_kitty commented:

            I’m sorry your going through so much. Hang in there and don’t be hard on yourself. You are more than what you weigh and you are loved no matter what your body looks like.
