Am totally in love with STMI and I have always worn the ladies racerbacks and know the fit of them quite well until today…… received the light smooth cover racerback tank yesterday and I should’ve read the fine print as I didn’t realize it contained a built “bralette”. Suffice to say this is definitely NOT what I expected. I had to have a good laugh as I told Mrs Redneckchinadian that I am “budding”. You ladies amaze me how you can figure out topss like this as I even struggled with getting in properly. Even with the pads removed, I am quite certain I do not want to have a “bra” band that is quite visible through the tank top. The color and fabric are wonderful but too bad they don’t make it without a built in bra 😂. Suffice to say I’d make a terrible female hahaha.


  • red_RedneckChinadianB
    1 year ago

    LOL OMG, I when I took it out of the packaging I was like “this isn’t what I ordered”. Sure as hell was but b/c it was “only 1 left” that I just pulled the trigger. Since it is on MD I have basically 4-5 days left to bring it back. Wifey laughed and told me to either take the cups out (worse looking) or to ask lulu to supply basically just flat pads to provide some coverage. I LOVE this color and the feel of the tank top and wished it came in the CRB that’s been discontinued. I thought maybe a workout top for at home but then realized that if my neighbor or relatives came over and I opened the door they could clearly see what would appear as a sports bra under a semi transparent top lol. Big nope in my books. Sadly this will have to go back but it was funny nonetheless. Lot of cred to the ladies here that put on tops like this like this. I legit struggled big time to get it all lined up and then not have it all twisted inside out and upside down. I even said “how the hell do women deal with this level of complexity in how they dress for a tank top!”
