• 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: March 28th, 2024

  • I put my lulu in the dryer all the time but on low heat. It is just warm to the touch and my dryer stops with just a tiny bit of moisture left in the clothes. Nary a problem so far. I have dried scuba half zips in the dryer that did in fact shrink the material when I forgot to dial the heat down from medium to low.


  • I think the changes to exchanges are better today than they were a year ago no? My understanding is MD items before were legit were final sale but now you have up to 7 days to return to get a store credit? I mean the top is a bit whack on a dude but I guess I could make the awkward trip to the store to ask for small a cup pads? Actually what WOULD I ask for as I’ve read here people can change cup sizes out but that’s b/c they’re females with well… female parts. I will of course try to get a store credit first and if that fails then I will need to go to plan b which is swapping the cups out and then just rocking the tank under a sweater or something as a layering piece. Wife couldn’t fit it and daughter scoffs at my lulu sizes lol.


  • thanks friend! I figured that if I’m gonna look silly in lulu that I may as well share with my fellow lemonheads :) As you and both know, I’ve been here for a long time so those that do know me, know my style and my willingness to experiment. While I’d like my body to fit lulu perfectly like how it does for so many of you but alas this piece does me NO justice. At my age, nobody truly cares because I certainly don’t so I may as well have some fun with it! The Mrs. says if it can’t be returned then I’ll have to live with it and wear it like all my other tops and just hope that nobody I know notices lol


  • LOL OMG, I when I took it out of the packaging I was like “this isn’t what I ordered”. Sure as hell was but b/c it was “only 1 left” that I just pulled the trigger. Since it is on MD I have basically 4-5 days left to bring it back. Wifey laughed and told me to either take the cups out (worse looking) or to ask lulu to supply basically just flat pads to provide some coverage. I LOVE this color and the feel of the tank top and wished it came in the CRB that’s been discontinued. I thought maybe a workout top for at home but then realized that if my neighbor or relatives came over and I opened the door they could clearly see what would appear as a sports bra under a semi transparent top lol. Big nope in my books. Sadly this will have to go back but it was funny nonetheless. Lot of cred to the ladies here that put on tops like this like this. I legit struggled big time to get it all lined up and then not have it all twisted inside out and upside down. I even said “how the hell do women deal with this level of complexity in how they dress for a tank top!”


  • It’s because it is THE most ridiculous looking top ever. Moreso than my croppy top tanks that were also a tad bit of a fail. Those were at least salvageable because I would wear them with overalls for an intentional look. A tank top that gives me “ta-ta”…. Well what can I say. Should I feel embarrassed or a little sexy?? Hahaha oh man…


  • I think if I was even 10 lbs slimmer (and I have lost a decent amount of weight lately) that this top might have worked but the “dad” stomach, the light color, visible band and small boobies just make this awful. I’d reconsider a smaller flat cup insert would make it less obvious but I ain’t holding my breath.


  • Thanks! I do indeed love pinks and bright pastels but purple reigns king in my world. STMI is probabaly to date, my most fav shade of pink so I really did want this to work. I still want to try to see if I can swing this with a smaller cup insert though I ain’t holding my breath. I frankly have no idea what a cup insert would factually change on this top and spouse has no experience here as lulu bras don’t work for her.
